Sunday, May 20, 2007

back home

well, we are back from a wild weekend of captivating discourse...i mean who wouldn't want to spend their weekend hearing about pressure ulcers, biostatistical interpretive processes and analysis of strategic organizational process!!

honestly though, it was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with family, celebrate bethany's birthday and stay up late talking. i especially enjoyed being at carrie's house, as we all stood crowded in the kitchen, talking loudly, strawberry (in honor of bethany's favorite fruit) margaritas in hand, just being together.

my nephew gavin loves it when i hold him and dance with him as i sing my own remix of sarah brightman's "time to say goodbye". as i clutch him in my arms and twirl around, singing rather obnoxiously, gavin closes his eyes, throws his head back, and laughs until he almost throws up. every time he does this, it touches this profound space in my heart, often brining tears to my eyes...

be well this week.

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