Friday, December 21, 2007

world famous chicken pot pie.

last night, ryan & holly took me and bethany out for my birthday at the Liberty Cafe up the street on Cortland, the main drag for the bernal hill neighborhood. it was cold, wind gusting down the street as we sat in the small bakery/cafe/wine bar, drinking pellegrino, a wonderful zinfandel, and enjoying ridiculously good chicken pot pie. i love my housemates (including paxton, who was sending me good vibes from his crib at home).

when i got home, a small group of people were waiting for me with fine wine and open arms. i felt loved and honored for my early birthday. thanks to all for making me feel like i belong.

1 comment:

aurora bender said...

come up to seattle soon. please. you and bethany, and bring ryan, holly and paxton. thanks.

oh, and happy birthday.