Wednesday, December 12, 2007

in a quiet moment

i am thankful for a couple days free from the emotional and intellectual burdens of school. i tend to do a quick internal inventory of(read: question) the path we are's ironic sometimes that school sometimes feels like a distraction from the "master plan" even as it is an essential piece to enabling us to pursue our dreams.

the weather has been cool, clear and beautiful up here.

i learned today that when eating Thai food, get red curry dish, get pad thai, and mix them together. very good.

1 comment:

aurora bender said...

pad thai and red curry dish. that does sound perfect.

oh, and i know how the school things goes too. it can seem like a distraction sometimes and i haven't quite figured out the best way to re-focus...i know a trip to san francisco over thanksgiving was one of those that i would like to call, motivation-killers-at-the-end-of-the
quarter. but, it was well worth it. grades are just a number, right?